


Web App


Project Overview

Developed Poliscope, a web application designed to simplify and enhance understanding of the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election.


To provide voters with balanced and factual information about each candidate, empowering them to make informed decisions.

Core Features and Technology

  • SvelteKit: Built with SvelteKit for a responsive and efficient user experience.
  • Data Transparency: Uses OpenAI's ChatGPT, Ballotpedia, and open-sourced data to ensure transparency and accuracy.

User Experience

Poliscope offers interactive candidate profiles, comprehensive issue breakdowns, and viewpoints from across the political spectrum to help voters understand each candidate better.

Development Insights

  • Technical Skills: Showcased proficiency in SvelteKit and modern web technologies.
  • Ethical AI Integration: Carefully integrated AI to minimize bias in presenting political information.
  • Open Source Approach: Committed to community involvement and open-source principles for ongoing improvements.


Successfully created a platform that aims to inform and engage voters, encouraging informed voting and political discussion.