Living Worlds

Living Worlds
Living Worlds

Living Worlds

Mobile App - iOS & Android


Project Overview

Collaborated on the Living Worlds app, a modern recreation of dynamic pixel art scenes by Mark Ferrari during my apprenticeship as an amanuensis to senior developer Ian Gilman.


To bring Mark Ferrari's pixel art scenes to life with real-time transitions and ambient soundscapes, celebrating the 25th anniversary of his original works.

Core Features and Technology

  • iOS and Android: Developed for cross-platform functionality on mobile devices.
  • JavaScript and HTML: Used to create interactive and dynamic scenes.

User Experience

The app offers a unique and immersive experience, allowing users to explore dynamic pixel art scenes with real-time transitions and soundscapes.

Development Insights

  • Cross-Platform Development: Gained experience in developing for both iOS and Android platforms.
  • Artistic Presentation: Enhanced skills in presenting pixel art in a dynamic and interactive format.
  • Freelancing Skills: Learned the nuances of managing client projects and delivering high-quality work.


Delivered a well-received app that brings Mark Ferrari's pixel art scenes to life, offering users an engaging and nostalgic experience.