Knoll Interactive Archive

Knoll Interactive Archive
Knoll Interactive Archive

Knoll Interactive Archive

Web App


Project Overview 🌟

  • Client Project: Contributed to the development of the Knoll Interactive Archive, a digital platform that narrates the rich history of Knoll, a company that has been fostering creativity and innovation since 1938. The archive offers a deep insight into the people, products, and events that shaped the Knoll story, encouraging users to explore the legacy through various interactive views.
  • Role as an Amanuensis: Served as a web developer apprentice and amanuensis, actively involved in the development process and freelancing activities.

Technical Details 🛠️

  • Tech Stack: Pixi.js, Hammer.js, JavaScript.
  • Role: Apprentice in development.

Skills Developed 🛡️

  • Interactive Development: Developed skills in creating interactive archives, working with technologies like Pixi.js and Hammer.js.
  • Freelancing Skills: Learned the dynamics of freelancing, including client communication and project management, through active participation in the project.