DreamBox Learning Insights Dashboard - Predictive Insights Report

DreamBox Learning Insights Dashboard - Predictive Insights Report
DreamBox Learning Insights Dashboard - Predictive Insights Report

DreamBox Learning Insights Dashboard - Predictive Insights Report

Web App


Project Overview

Developed the Predictive Insights Report feature for the DreamBox Learning Insights Dashboard.


To leverage predictive analytics for providing valuable insights, helping educators make informed decisions for end-of-year performance.

Core Features and Technology

  • Angular: Built using Angular for robust front-end development.
  • JavaScript: Used to create interactive and dynamic content.

User Experience

The feature provides predictive insights through an intuitive interface, enabling educators to make data-driven decisions.

Development Insights

  • Technical Skills: Enhanced proficiency in Angular and JavaScript.
  • Collaboration Skills: Worked closely with stakeholders to align with their expectations.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Addressed and resolved issues during the development cycle.


Successfully launched the Predictive Insights feature, receiving positive feedback for its ability to provide valuable insights and aid in decision-making.